The Toilet of Madame

Faberge Rhino

Woman Spinning Thread

Cermonial Cup by Johann Melchior Dinglinger

Malachite Toilet Case With Miniature Hercules

Cabinet Clock With Musical Movement by James Cox

Clock Base Detail

Very Colorful Vase for a Buddhist Altar

Flowery Detail

Chinese Moon Flask With Buddhist and Daoist Symbols

Moon Flask Decorations Up Close

Ornate French Perfumer Featuring Buddhist Deity Pu-tai Ho Shang

Cup Toped With Flowers

Rear View of the Agate Cup in the Form of a Shell

French Pair of Vases in the Form of Twin Fish

One of a Pair of Large Vases From Around 1745

Getting Fancy

Combing the Hair

Children Playing

Another View of the Elegant Ceremonial Cup