Permanent Collection 01-15-2018—01-04-2020

Doors and Windows on Part of the Lusitania by Wayne Kusy
Doors and Windows on Part of the Lusitania by Wayne Kusy
Martin Luther King Jr. by Fred Carter
Martin Luther King Jr. by Fred Carter
MLK Stare
MLK Stare
Upper Half of the Final Battle by Fred Carter
Upper Half of the Final Battle by Fred Carter
Joan of Arc by Ray Materson
Joan of Arc by Ray Materson
Back in the USSR by Ray Materson
Back in the USSR by Ray Materson
Camshaft Dog by Robert Gilkerson
Camshaft Dog by Robert Gilkerson
Balls for Teeth
Balls for Teeth
Haint House by Sultan Rogers
Haint House by Sultan Rogers
Snake in Mouth
Snake in Mouth
Sad Devil
Sad Devil
Owl Gun
Owl Gun
D is for Desmond by Edward Gorey
D is for Desmond by Edward Gorey
S is for Susan
S is for Susan
V is for Victor
V is for Victor
E is for Ernest
E is for Ernest
Hobby Horse by Deborah Claire Berger
Hobby Horse by Deborah Claire Berger