Bullfrog on a Rock

A Permit Fish in Front

Pink Anenome on the Glass

Indian Jeweled Mudskipper Eyeing the Scene

Snowflake Moray Eel at Rest

Taking in the Scenery

Grouper Lurking About

Sailfin Tang Among the Coral

A Myriad of Colors

Puffin Profile

Puffin Superior

Cardinalfish and Clownfish in a Mock Pacific Reef

Copperhead Butterflyfish Displaying Its Golden Streaks

Big Headed Side Necked Turtle Taking a Peek

Green Severum Cichlid Coming Out From Under a Log

Turtles at Rest

Gator Submerged

Scarlet Ibis in the Cacao Tree

Angelfish Swimming Past

Blue Tongued Skink in Hand