Jonathan Granville by Philip Tilyard

Baptism of Christ By Louis Comfort Tiffany

Punch Bowl With Mount Made By Samuel Kirk and Son

Walrus Beer Pitcher By Karl L. H. Muller

Ivory Chess Set From 1800

Well Carved Pieces

Silver Replica of the Calvert Street Bridge on an Ornate Punch Bowl

Male Side of the 19th Century Double Sided Teapot

Female Side of the 19th Century Double Sided Teapot

Bluebird Spartan Model 566 Radio Designed By Walter Dorwin Teague

Reading Chair From 135

Cup of Silver Ginger by Georgia OKeefe

Mantlepiece From Around 1800

Urns and Plates

Fantasy by Jacob Lawrence

Paysage (A Winter Day in Brittany) by WIlliam Lamb Picknell

18th Century Punch Bowl Touched by the Light

18th Century Posset Pot With a Replaced Spout

Cupid and Gazelle by Carl Paul Jennewein

Curved Horns and Winged Child